Month: November 2017

Pyramids of Tucume

The Pyramids of Tucume are located in the Lambayeque region, 40 km from Chiclayo, the capital of the region, on the north coast of Peru. The landscape in this region is arid and dry, interrupted by green oases of agriculture, mainly rice. This remarkable archaeological site covers an area of 220 hectares and has 26 Pyramids of Tucume

Chachapoya culture

The Chachapoya people This is the article of Jhon Garcia, who is working with us as an official tour guide. He loves archaeology and sharing his knowledge with our clients. Today he tries to give a little light on the origine of the Chachapoya culture, situated in the region of Amazonas, in the Andes in Chachapoya culture

Raymi Llaqta: La fiesta del pueblo

Raymi Llaqta : La fiesta del pueblo The people of Chachapoyas lived (and still live) in the Amazonas region of northern Peru. This pre-Inca civilization remains little known despite its incredible builders (as demonstrated by the citadel of Kuelap, the “Machu Picchu of the North”) and its formidable fighters. They were the most resistant against the Raymi Llaqta: La fiesta del pueblo