Month: September 2017

The 10 best Sites of Archaeology in Northern Peru

Archaeology in Northern Peru offers never ending material. Peru is fortunate enough having tons of archaeological sites throughout its whole territory, famous for their buildings and great political-religious development. Much more is known and spoken about the Incas, as Machu Picchu leading the list of the most visited archaeological sites. There are many more archaeological The 10 best Sites of Archaeology in Northern Peru

El Puquio restaurant, Pomacochas

El Puquio restaurant, Laguna de Pomacochas My parents are visiting Chachapoyas; they should take the plane tomorrow to Tarapoto, in the San Martin region. I will pick them up and make the return trip to Chachapoyas with them to show them some places of Northern Peru. It is already more than 10:30 when we leave Chachapoyas, the capital of El Puquio restaurant, Pomacochas