
Global Big Day in Northern Peru

The Global Big Day is one special day every year, dedicated to birdwatching and a census of bird species in every country. Teams register in advance, and it’s a real competition. I have already written about it in these columns, Peru is a fascinating country about nature. It is home to an incredible number of Global Big Day in Northern Peru

The Spatule Tail Hummingbird

Spatuletail Colibri, Amazonas, Perou.

The spatule tail hummingbird is one of these incredible species that can represent an entire region. Seeing one of the famous spatule tail hummingbirds in the northern Amazonas region is definitely an art. On the Fernando Belaunde Terry road that leads east to the regions of San Martin, Moyobamba and Tarapoto, you can make a more instructive tour in The Spatule Tail Hummingbird