The development of responsible tourism and its impact
Responsible and rural tourism is at the heart of the mission that Phima Voyages has set itself since its creation in 2015.
We offer unique and tailor-made trips so that the traveler can have experiences in interaction with the local population and thus know the traditions and customs of the country.
We are convinced that the development of responsible tourism is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The inhabitants of each country are proud to be able to show their skills and thus earn additional income. On the other hand, the traveler has a unique experience with a real interaction.
2018: consolidation of relationships with local partners
Traveling with Phima makes sense: This sentence is not just marketing, because we measure the impact of our trips with our local partners.
In 2018, we redistributed $ 2,250 to the 19 rural and local partners of Phima Voyages in northern Peru.
On-site work
We work in particular with Perico and his mother Lola from Milpuj, a Private Protection Area near Tingo Nuevo a small village near Kuélap. The owners have undertaken to reforest the area with local or even endemic species and to inventory wild animals. In addition to sleeping in one of the four ecological guest rooms, travelers can adopt a tree and help protect this area.
We offer our travelers the opportunity to visit nature reserves such as the Tingana ecotourism reserve in the San Martín region or the Chaparrí reserve near Chiclayo on the north coast of Peru.
In 2018 a three-month training course for 20 villagers was given by Léa, an intern at Phima Voyages. This training allowed the opening of two guest houses, and the structuring of several traditional activities in Cuispes and Leymebamba.
The internship of Léa at Phima Voyages

2019: a growing impact
In 2019, Phima Voyages continues its exponential growth and sees its number of travelers double.
Consequently, our rural impact grew. This year we redistributed $ 6,270 to 29 rural and local partners in the various regions of northern Peru.
On-site work
Following the various training sessions, the two guest houses in Cuispes with Sr. Pancho and Sra. Catalina and in Leymebamba with Sr. Jabier and Sra. Elena welcomed their first travelers. Traditional activities are also offered to tourists such as coffee, honey and bread activities in Cuispes or weaving and cheese in Leymebamba.
Responsible tourism certification
We have received the Travelife Partner certification which recognizes the work carried out in terms of sustainable development and social responsibility by our agency. Indeed, we are the 2nd agency to be certified in Peru.
That year, Phima Voyages also offered two new destinations: Chile and Colombia, while remaining attached to its original values.